Richard Dodd's Top 10 Recording Tips
I'm not one to recycle copy, but I came across this blurb in the Mix Magazine email and thought it was too apropos not to share with all of you.
Rock on
Nashville-based engineer Richard Dodd, whose career credits include artists such as the Little River Band, George Harrison, Joan Baez, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sheryl Crow, and many more, says that in recording, "There are no rules, as long as no harm can come to man or gear."
Here, Dodd offers his personal Top 10 recording tips:
1. Do no harm, step back and make sure that you are not getting 'in the way’ of a good 'sound.'
2. Change, don’t 'tweak;' no one hears 'tweaks.'
3. If someone asks for the vocal up 0.2 dB, laugh as if it’s the funniest joke you’ve ever heard, burst out laughing later, too, and quote the joke. Repeat as needed.
4. Don’t use 'brickwall limiting' on your mix for any reason other than you like it. A good mastering engineer can make it louder/better than you can, but they can’t remove an inappropriate decision.
5. If in doubt, don’t.
6. If it’s 'right,' do it.
7. Be ready: The 'wrong' gear choice that is ready beats waiting past the 'best available performance window.'
8. Share your knowledge.
9. Keep something secret.
10. Stop when you aren’t having fun anymore.
For more on Richard Dodd, watch for Eddie Ciletti's "Tech's Files" column in Mix's May 2008 issue.