MB Puncher Free VST Plugin
Hey there gear junkies
Got another suggestion of a great free VST plugin for ya.
The MB Puncher is a compressor type plug with the typical controls, input, threshold, release,

I've taken to using it on drums that just don't seem to make as much of an impact in the mix as I want. I create a stereo buss for the drums (something I almost always do anyway) and throw the Puncher on it. Almost instantly the snare and kick bite right through the mix to give that bang that was needed.
Such a simple and easy plug to use and free (which is always good).
Get it here: http://www.kvraudio.com/get/2250.html
Studio construction update: Slow going. I was hoping this would be quick and exciting, but instead it's taking forever. I've got the water pipes covered with a mass loaded vinyl to cut down on noise from there, and I had heat/AC installed (thank God!). Next is framing which should be finished this month. Then electric...Stay tuned.
Listening to Naci Griffith's The Dust Bowl Symphony
Rock on
Labels: Compressor, Free VST Plugin